Southern Kids -Creche Registration

This form is for anyone who is planning to come to Southern Christian Church's 10am service at the Cockburn Youth Centre, and plans to leave their kids in our creche program for the first time. Hard copy registration forms can be completed at church on the day, but if you prefer to have everything organised before you arrive, then this is the form for you!

More information about our creche program can be found at


Parent / guardian details

Child's details

Our creche leaders do not change nappies, and are unable to take children to the toilet. If your child requires a nappy change or toilet trip, we will contact you via SMS. Please make sure your child has a clean nappy and/or has been to the toilet prior to the service to minimise the chance of this happening.

By submitting this form, you affirm that you are the adult named in this form. By submitting, you provide consent for the child named in this form to be left with the Southern Kids volunteers during the service. You agree to comply with the parent’s responsibilities as outlined in the Southern Kids creche procedure at